Course curriculum

  • 01

    Welcome to the Course - Introduction

    • Welcome and Navigation

    • Introduction - Robyn Monro Miller - Play Australia

    • Quiz - Introduction

    • The Something For All Report - Karen Dimmock

    • Quiz - The Something For All Report

  • 02

    Module 1 - Disability and Play - Understand the Varied Needs of Children with Disability and their Families, in Relation to Outside Play

    • About Children with Disability

    • Quiz - About Children with Disability

    • Family Play Feature - Part 1 - Maya, Lloyd and Elsie

    • Quiz - Family Feature - Part 1 - Maya, Lloyd and Elsie

    • Family Play Feature - Part 2 - Phoebe, Owen and Rory

    • Quiz - Family Play Feature - Part 2 - Phoebe, Owen and Rory

    • Summary of Family Play Feature

    • Play Space Feature - Part 1 - Katelin Smith

    • Quiz - Play Space Feature - Part 1 - Katelin Smith

  • 03

    Module 2 - Planning for Access - Understand How to Open Access to Playgrounds for Children with Disability and their Families

    • Practical Steps to Help Families Get to a Playspace

    • Quiz - Practical Steps to Help Families get to a Playspace

    • Playspace Feature - Part 2 - Leong Khoo

    • Quiz - Playspace Feature - Part 2 - Leong Khoo

  • 04

    Module 3 - Planning for Safety and Comfort - Understand How to Support Safety and Comfort at Playgrounds for Children with Disability and their Families

    • What Helps Families Feel Safe and Comfortable at a Playspace?

    • Quiz - What Helps Families Feel Safe and Comfortable at a Playspace?

    • Playspace Feature - Part 3 - Leong Khoo

    • Quiz - Playspace Feature - Part 3 - Leong Khoo

  • 05

    Module 4 - Planning for Play - Understand How to Grow Inclusive Play Opportunities at Playgrounds for Children with Disability and their Families

    • The Most Popular Play Equipment

    • Quiz - The Most Popular Play Equipment

    • Playspace Feature - Part 4 - Katelin Smith

    • Quiz - Playspace Feature - Part 4 - Katelin Smith

  • 06

    Summary and Conclusion - The Final Section of the Course

    • Playspace Feature - Part 5 - Adrian Napoleone

    • What Families Want to Change for the Future

    • A Reflection

    • How did we do?